On Site Happenings

With the best planning and will in the world, things happen on new build and renovations that are unexpected. It can be a vent that overlaps a light fitting, a damp issue, a small build error or any number of niggles. You need be prepared mentally and financially for changes and allow this is totally normal. It really helps with stress levels if you approach things this way.

A lot of times when we to a site to check in on a job, I feel like I spend the first half hour pointing out issues! Even with our experience, we make mistakes and need support from the contractor and team we have around us. My moto is ‘if you’re wrong-promptly admit it”.

Ten years ago, no electrician asked for a lighting plan, but it is now assumed you will have this type of plan ready to action on

But all that said, early planning and designing as much as you can before starting is important. We trying to be as well thought through as we can with as much on paper as possible for each craftsman and trade.


Kitchen Development