This labour of love is their dream family home, on an idyllic site by the sea.
This modern Passive home was the fourth major project we have undertaken for our client. This labour of love is their dream family home, on an idyllic site by the sea.
The interior of this home was inspired by the colours of the landscape and sea. A soft pallet of colour and texture, allowing the clients to add their bold taste in art. The brief was to design a home that reflected their family needs and taste, was comfortable, relaxed and a space to entertain their loved ones and friends.
The planning for this home was meticulous. Before it took form, each and every detail was designed by us. Working in close collaboration with the contractor we project managed with them from the ground works to styling stages and supplied the entire fit out package.
This sustainable home is packed with tech and smart home, fully motorised window dressings, a gym, sauna, spa area, a home office, a boules green, an underground bunker storage, and fits the client’s lifestyle perfectly.
Newtownstewart Construction
Shane Birney Architects